
Aura: I. A disturbing and pervasive quality of character, air atmosphere. II. Softly pervasive quality of atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place or thing. III: Sensation as of lights, or current of warm or cold air, preceding an attack of migraine.
Webster's Dictionary

Gyula Várnai: Aura, 1994 (pieces of clothing, 250 x 60cm)

In the work AURA Várnai spells out the word AURA using pieces of his own clothes. The meaning of aura - an invisible, but perceivable radiation surrounding all of us, a spiritual and intellectual force-field. I think the medical meaning of the Latin word is well known, where the term designates the prescience of an attack. Whichever we take, it is a question of a step from the visible to the invisible, from the known to the unknown, which in this instance has been presented conceptually.

Tibor Várnagy