Beautiful Darkness, 1993

On the opening night of the series of artistic events entitled Nyilván (Obviously Public)
the luminous intensity of public lighting
within the metropolitan area of Budapest
will decrease by 24 units for 24 seconds
at 10 p. m.
(the decrease of luminous intensity will not affect traffic lights and the supplied electricity to buildings)

12/24 parts of the value of the energy that is saved is to be used for the support of the National Association of the Blind and People with Impaired Vision;
the remaining 12/24 parts are to be used as honoraria for the artists participating in the artistic events entitled Nyilván.

Our project has been shaped by the fact that we are participating in the Art Strike 1990
a) Beautiful Darkness (variation 2) is a variation of a work of ours (an audio-tactilist visual-poem for the blind) which was produced at a time (1970) preceding the period of the strike and is now complemented by an already submitted and rejected project of another artist (Balázs Beöthy).
b) Our project, in the spirit of the invitation by Nyilván

Budapest, July 29, 1993