Géza Kós Géza Kós
Research Fellow
Geometric Modelling Laboratory,
Computer and Automation Research Institute
Address: 1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17. Hungary
Phone: 36-1-3868782
Fax: 36-1-4667503
e-mail: kosgeza@sztaki.hu

Short Resume
Selected Publications
Personal homepage of Géza Kós


Short Resume

Géza Kós received his diploma in Mathematics at Eötvös University in Budapest, 1991. During his studies he won a number of first prizes in Hungarian and international competitions in Mathematics, Physics and computer programming. He obtained maximum score in the International Mathematical Olimpiad two times (Helsinki, 1985 and Warsaw,1986).

Géza Kós joined the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1997, where he is a research fellow.

Géza Kós is a teaching assistant of the Department of Analysis at Eötvös University since 1991. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Mathematical and Physical Journal for Secondary Schools (KöMaL) and the Organizing Committee of the Kürschák József National Competition in Matematics. He is a part-time software engineer at CADMUS Consulting and Development Ltd.

His recent research interest include number theory, complex analysis, approximation theory, surface and solid modelling and surface reconstruction from unorganised points.

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  1. Géza Kós, Jenô Törôcsik: Convex Discs Can Cover Their Shadows,
    Discrete & Computational Geometry, 5 (1990), no. 6, 529-531.

  2. T. VÁRADY, P. BENKŐ, G. KÓS: Reverse Engineering Regular Objects: Simple segmentation and surface fitting procedures,
    IJSM (International Journal of Shape Modeling), (Procs. of CAGD: New Trends and Applications, Crete, 1997), Vol. 4, No 3/4 (1998), pp. 127-142

  3. T. VÁRADY, P. BENKŐ, G. KÓS, G. RENNER, V. WEISS: Segmentation and Surface Fitting in Reverse Engineering,
    Machining Impossible Shapes, eds. G. Olling, B. K. Choi, R. B. Jerard, IFIP TC5 WG5.3, Kluwer Academic, 1999, pp. 167-172

  4. P. BORWEIN, T. ERDÉLYI, G. KÓS: Littlewood-type problems on [0,1]
    Proc. London Math. Soc., Vol. 3 (79), 1999, pp 22-46

  5. G. KÓS, R. MARTIN, T. VÁRADY: Methods to recover constant radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering,
    Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol 17, No. 2 (2000), pp 127-160

  6. P. BENKŐ, G. KÓS, T. VÁRADY: Detecting translational and rotational symmetries in reverse engineering,
    CD proceedings of Advanced Research Workshop on Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, Ljubjana, 1999, 29-31 August

  7. G. KÓS: Recovering variable radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering,
    2000 Int. CIPRP Design Seminar, Haifa 16-18 May, 2000, ed. M. Shpitalni, pp. 469-474

  8. G. KÓS: On the constant factor in Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem,
    Acta Arithmetica, vol. 97. No. 2 (2001), pp. 99-101

  9. G. KÓS: An algorithm to triangulate surfaces in 3D using unorganised point clouds,
    Computing Suppl 14, May 2001, pp. 219-232

  10. G. KÓS: Recovering variable radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering,
    Int. J. for Manufacturing Sciences and Production, VOl. 3, No. 2-4 (2000), pp. 151-158.

  11. T. VÁRADY, P. BENKŐ, G. KÓS, A. ROCKWOOD: Implicit surfaces revisited -- I-patches,
    Computing Suppl 14, May 2001, pp. 323-336

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