- diploma in mathematics: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
- candidate of sciences (Ph.D.): Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
Research interests:
- operations research
- numerical methods of interior-points algorithms
The 10 most important publications of the past ten years:
- Andersen, E. – Gondzio, J. – Mészáros, Cs. – Xiaoije, X.:
Iplementation of interior point methods for linear programming. in:
Interior Point Methods of Mathematical Programming, (ed. T. Terlaky)
Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1996. pp. 189-252.
- Fölsz, F. – Mészáros, Cs. – Rapcsák, T.: Distribution of gas
cylinders. European Journal of Operations Research 87:313-323. (1995)
[impact factor: 0.456]
- Mészáros, Cs.: Fast Cholesky Factorization for Interior Point
Methods of Linear Programming. Computers & Mathematics with
Applications 31: 49-51. (1996) [impact factor: 0.339]
- Mészáros, Cs. – Rapcsák, T.: On sensitivity analysis for a class of
decision systems. Decision Support Systems 16:231-240. (1996) [impact
factor: 0.355]
- Mészáros, Cs.: The augmented system variant of IPMs in two-stage
stochastic linear programming computation. European Journal of
Operations Research, 101/2:317-327, (1997) [impact factor: 0.456]
- Maros, I. – Mészáros, Cs.: The Role of the Augmented System in
Interior Point Methods. 1996. European Journal of Operations Research
107:720-736, (1998) [impact factor: 0.456]
- Mészáros, Cs.: On free variables in interior point methods.
Optimization Methods and Software, 4:121-139, (1998) [impact factor:
- Mészáros, Cs.: Steplengths in infeasible primal-dual interior point
methods of quadratic programming, Operations Research Letters 25:39-45
(1999) [impact factor: 0.360]
- Mészáros, Cs. – Rapcsák, T. – Sági, Z.: Pollution transmission in
the air, In: Z.Zlatev et al. (eds.), Large-Scale Computations in Air
Pollution Modelling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, p. 235-247.
- Mészáros, Cs.: The BPMPD interior point solver for convex quadratic
programming problems. Optimization Methods and Software,
11&12:431-449, (1999) [impact factor: 0.377]
data on the scientific activity:
- total number of referred articles: 25
- in foreign journals from the above (without conference abstracts):
- in Hungarian journals published in Hungarian: 3
- number of references (without self-references): 60
- number of lectures at international conferences: 10
- number of monograph chapters: 1
Latest projects:
Research grants:
- OTKA # F029101 - Numerical methods of interior point algorithms
Applications, completed: