21. October 2000
On the video shown in the wall unit you see a recording of a girl of indeterminant age.
You see the girl only from her waist to the middle of her thigh (szexi.html video link)
You can see the monitor only by peeping through the slit of the slightly opened doors of the wall unit.
Only the light of the interrogation lamp shines rhythmically out of the cupboard.
We blanket the GRUNDIG brand name of our TV + video unit in such a way that only the word RUN remained viewable.
24. February 2001 MTV1 Newscast:
"They found the fourteen year old girl who disappeared 5 months before
she had been robbed; they hid her in a secret compartment dug under a wall unit that
the police missed on their previous house search.
The committer lived in that house together with his wife, their children and the young girl.
The "robber" remarked that he later wanted to marry the girl because he loves her."
