4. metróvonal

Contract Concluded about a ECU 50 Million Metro Loan
Péter Medgyessy, Minister of Finance; Mayor Gábor Demszky; and Wolfgang Roth, the Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), signed the financing contract about the ECU 50 million to be extended by EIB and the related guarantee agreement on April 9. The EIB will contribute to financing the DBR metro section with ECU 200 million in loans.
The loan that was signed now is part of this. BKV Rt. will collect the loan, which will be guaranteed by the government and Budapest. The loan will be disbursed with a twenty-year term and a five-year grace period. In addition to the EIB, discussions are being held with Nordic Investment Bank and Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in order to supplement the funds.

Prepared by the Distributed Systems Department of MTA SZTAKI
for the Budapest Mayor's Office