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Matchbox collection (phillumeny)
with quotes


No.145. I want to know how God created this world. (Albert Einstein)

I want to know how God
created this world.
(Albert Einstein)

No.146. We owe most of what we know to about one hundred men. (Roy Ward Dickson)   Quotes is continued (but not written on the matchbox) as follows:   We owe most of what we have suffered to another hundred or so.

We owe most of what we know
to about one hundred men.
(Roy Ward Dickson)  

Quote is continued (but not written
on the matchbox) as follows:  

We owe most of what we have
suffered to another hundred or so.

No.147. Do you realize if it weren't for Edison we'd be watching TV by candlelight? (Al Boliska) 

Do you realize if it weren't for Edison
we'd be watching TV by candlelight?
(Al Boliska)

No.148. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker. (Albert Einstein)

If only I had known, I should have
become a watchmaker.
(Albert Einstein)

No.149. The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking. (Albert Einstein)

The release of atom power has changed
everything except our way of thinking.
(Albert Einstein)

No.150. The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. Nor upon a cold stove lid. (Mark Twain)

The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid,
will not sit upon a hot stove lid again.
Nor upon a cold stove lid.
(Mark Twain)

No.151. No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish. (Frank McKinney)

No one can feel as helpless as
the owner of a sick goldfish.
(Frank McKinney)

Szikrázó elmék 152. „A macska vendég a háznál. A kutya családtag.” (Dilys Powell)

No.153. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. (Sir Winston Churchill)

It has been said that democracy is the
worst form of government except all
the others that have been tried.
(Sir Winston Churchill)

No.154. He walks as if balancing the family tree on his nose. (Raymond Moley)

He walks as if balancing
the family tree on his nose.
(Raymond Moley)

Szikrázó elmék 155. „Nem lehet egészséges az a társadalom, amelyben elítélik a különcöket.” (John Stuart)
Szikrázó elmék 156. „A sors megpróbálta elrejteni őt azzal, hogy a Kovács nevet adta neki.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

Szikrázó elmék 157. „Mondd meg ki vagy, és megmondom, ki vagy.” (Leslie Halay)
No.158. Know him? I know him so well that I haven't spoken to him for ten years. (Oscar Wilde)

Know him? I know him so well
that I haven't spoken to him
for ten years.
(Oscar Wilde)

No.159. You can't lead a cavalry if you think that you look funny riding a horse. (John Peers)

You can't lead a cavalry if you think
that you look funny riding a horse.
(John Peers)

No.160. He intended, he said, to devote the rest of his life to learning the remaining twenty-two letters of the alphabet. (George Orwell)

He intended, he said, to devote the rest
of his life to learning the remaining
twenty-two letters of the alphabet.
(George Orwell)

Szikrázó elmék 161. „Egyszer nagyon régen a pénz ünnepélyesen megfogadta, hogy csak azé lesz, aki szereti őt.” (Laurence J. Peter)
No.162. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment. (Woody Allen)

I don't want to live on in the
hearts of my countrymen;
I want to live on in my apartment.
(Woody Allen)

No.163. If you want to know what Lord God thinks of money, you only have to look at those to whom he gives it. (Maurice Baring)

If you want to know what Lord God
thinks of money, you only have to
look at those to whom he gives it.
(Maurice Baring)

No.164. If you stay in Beverly Hills too long you become a Mercedes. (Robert Redford)

If you stay in Beverly Hills too long
you become a Mercedes.
(Robert Redford)

Szikrázó elmék 165. „Semmiből se túl sokat!” (Khelilon)
Szikrázó elmék 166. „Nincs állásom, ezért ráérek fontos dolgokkal foglalkozni.” (Kung Fu-Ce)

Szikrázó elmék 167. „Akinek van gondolata, van hozzá szava is; de akinek szava van, még nem biztos, hogy gondolata is van.” (Theognisz)
Szikrázó elmék 168. „Kéz kezet mos.” (Epikharmosz)

Szikrázó elmék 169. „Sokféle tudás még nem tanít meg arra, hogy eszed is legyen.” (Hérakleitosz)
No.170. No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. (Heraclitus)

No man ever steps in the same
river twice, for it's not the same
river and he's not the same man.

Szikrázó elmék 171. „Aki kapni akar, tanuljon meg adni.” (Lao-Ce)
Szikrázó elmék 172. „A kocsi egyes részei még nem kocsik.” (Lao-Ce)

Szikrázó elmék 173. „Aki nem hisz, annak mások sem hisznek.” (Lao-Ce)
Szikrázó elmék 174. „Zsarnokok nem halnak meg természetes halállal.” (Lao-Ce)

Szikrázó elmék 175. „Aki sokat gyűjt, sokat veszíthet.” (Lao-Ce)
Szikrázó elmék 176. „A világot megismerheti az ember anélkül, hogy kimenne a házból.” (Lao-Ce)

No.177. Nobody likes the man who brings bad news.  (Sophocles)

Nobody likes the man
who brings bad news. 

No.178. Those diseases which medicines do not cure, iron cures; those which iron cannot cure, fire cures; and those which fire cannot cure, are to be reckoned wholly incurable. (Hippocrates)

Those diseases which medicines
do not cure, iron cures;
those which iron cannot cure,
fire cures; and those which fire
cannot cure, are to be
reckoned wholly incurable.

Szikrázó elmék 179. „Mint vasat a rozsda, úgy emészti az irigyet saját lelke.” (Antiszthenész)
Szikrázó elmék 180. „Merészen kell rágalmazni, valami mindig ott tapad.” (Médiusz)


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